The MArRC participates together with City of Reggio Calabria in the Feast of Mary of Consolation by a special ticket for 3 euros

The MArRC participates together with City of Reggio Calabria in the Feast of Mary of Consolation by a special ticket for 3 euros

On September 8, the Feast of Mary Most Holy Mother of Consolation, Patron of the City of Reggio Calabria is celebrated. The festivity is very much felt, in the Calabrian town. The MArRC is promoting in the occasion a special admission at cost of only 3 euros for the whole day, from 9 am to 11 pm.

By just one ticket, it will be possible to visit the Museum, admiring the wonderful Riace and Porticello Bronzes, at level D, and the whole extraordinary permanent collection; starting by 8 pm, it will be possible to access the terrace and contemplate the spectacular view on the Strait, for a memorable Summer Night at the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria.